Ewon autoregistration

Ewon autoregistration

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There are two ways in using the Ewon autoregistration feature:


Simply by running the Talk2M connection wizard on the Ewon and using a non-existing Ewon name during this wizard, the Ewon will then be added automatically to the selected group set in the Talk2M account settings.
Click on the Modify button to:

activate or deactivate this autoregistration option (both Wizard mode and Export SD Card)

change the default group where the autoregistered Ewons will be placed in

renew the Global Registration Key, used with an SD Card (and explained here below)


The Global Registration Key (GRK) can also be used to automatically link an unregistered Ewon to a Talk2M account. The GRK needs to be exported to an SD Card and this SD Card can then be put in the card slot of an Ewon that isn't linked to a Talk2M account.
For more info, visit the Autoregistration export section.